Barcode System

Barcode System

Barcode System
We can apply QR code to various forms such as displaying website URL, text, phone number. And many more textual information Currently, QR codes are used in many ways. due to speed Because most people have a mobile phone and almost every model has a camera. The most obvious benefit of QR codes is that they display website URLs, as URLs are usually difficult to remember due to their length. Sometimes it's very complicated, but with a QR code, we just need to pick up our mobile phone to scan the QR code we see on various products, business cards, magazines, etc. Then the mobile phone will automatically link to the webpage where the QR code is stored. 

The use of bar codes in trade has many benefits, namely :
- Save time buying-selling. More convenient and faster to work Especially the product count, payment, issuing receipts. Inventory write-off.
- Easy to use computerized inventory system connected to Barcode reader in automatic product cutoff It can display information about product turnover. Which item sells well or not? How many products are left ?.
- Upgrading product standards Identification of each country's production source make the manufacturer improve the quality create competitiveness in the market Bar codes are a reliable indicator of good quality products. Makes people interested in buying products able to know the source of production and contact to buy.

- sell each other easily In addition, it is the development of packaging for export.- Increase administrative efficiency Information from the bar code system It allows business operators to make planning decisions. and manage production, procurement and marketing quickly and efficient.

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