Foldable Plastic Crate

Foldable Plastic Crate

Foldable Plastic Crate
Bubble Box is suitable for distribution, also designed to be disassembled and repairable. When a specific part is damaged, it can be repaired without having to purchase a new one. Save money too
Folding Crate No.3522
​Interior size: 316 x 496 x 200 mm.
Exterior size: 346 x 526 x 210 mm. 

Folding Crate No.4558
​Interior size: 410 x 495 x 550 mm.
Exterior size: 440 x 515 x 580 mm. 

Folding Crate No.4551
Interior size: 410 x 495 x 550 mm.
Exterior size: 440 x 515 x 510 mm. 


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